Definitive Guide To Hosting A Ring Warming Ceremony

ring warming ceremony

If you want to add something unique to your wedding, look no further than a ring warming ceremony.

This Irish tradition is a memorable way to incorporate your family and friends into your special day.

In this article, we’ll look at:

⛪ The meaning and significance of a ring warming ceremony.

⛪ Why you should consider including this tradition in your special day.

⛪ How to plan a ring warming ceremony.

⛪ Who to invite and what to do during the ring warming ceremony.

What Is a Ring Warming Ceremony?

A ring warming ceremony is a wedding tradition that involves guests passing the couple’s rings around before they say their vows.

When guests receive the rings, they “warm” them by saying a prayer for the couple’s future together. They can also extend good wishes or affirmations for a happy marriage.

These gestures are a simple but heartwarming way to make the wedding more personal to your guests.

Why should you have a ring warming ceremony at your wedding?

Although ring warming ceremonies have their roots in Irish history, it’s a tradition that anyone can incorporate into their wedding day.

A ring warming ceremony can make your guests feel special and valued. It gives your wedding a more intimate feel.

It’s also a nice way to include family and friends in the wedding ceremony on a more spiritual level.

A ring warming ceremony is also a way of reminding you and your partner about the commitment you’ve made to each other.

The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Ring Warming Ceremony

It might not seem like it, but ring warming ceremonies are actually quite simple to plan and host. In this section, we’ll take a look at everything you need to do to prepare the perfect ring warming.

How does a ring warming ceremony work?

During the ring warming ceremony, your and your partner’s wedding rings are passed around to guests.

When the rings reach them, guests can decide if they want to participate or not.

If they do, they will usually speak good fortune over your marriage or say a prayer before passing it to the next person.

Top Tip to Avoid Losing the Rings

Accidents happen and losing a ring when it’s passed around is easier than you might think.

To avoid this, place the rings into a small box or keep them attached to the ring cushion for safekeeping.

You can even run a string or ribbon down the rows of seats and use them to pass the rings along.

How do you introduce a ring warming ceremony at your wedding?

Since this is quite a significant tradition, you’ll probably want to introduce it as such.

If you are planning to host the ring warming ceremony during the wedding, have your officiant explain the process to the guests.

You can also have the ring warming take place before the ceremony by leaving your rings in a prominent place for your guests.

Have someone you trust explain the idea to the guests while also keeping an eye on the rings.

Alternatively, you can introduce the ceremony privately—to close friends, family, and the wedding party—before the day of your wedding.

This can make the ring warming feel a bit more intimate and special.

What do you say at a ring warming ceremony?

You and your partner don’t really have to say anything during the ring warming ceremony.

However, you can pass on some ideas to the person who will be introducing the ceremony to your guests.

A simple ring warming ceremony script includes telling the guests how the ring warming ceremony will work and what they should do.

Let’s take a look at some examples of ring warming ceremony scripts:

Now I would like to invite the guests to take the wedding rings and pass them to one another. When you receive the ring, you are encouraged to warm it with your well-wishes and prayers for [Partner Name] and [Partner Name]’s marriage and future together.


At this time, we are going to pass the wedding rings around for the ring warming ceremony. You are invited to extend your good wishes over the couple when the ring reaches you, warming the rings with your affirmations.

Who should you invite to a ring warming ceremony?

The ring warming ceremony usually happens before the wedding ceremony begins. This means that the people you’ve invited to your wedding will be present at the ring warming too.

However, you don’t have to host the ring warming on the same day as the wedding ceremony. 

You can also choose to have a separate ring warming ceremony before the day of the wedding with only your close friends and family.

Who you invite will depend on whose well-wishes you’ll cherish the most in your marriage. 

Traditionally, family and close friends are present at ring warming ceremonies.

They are usually the people who mean the most to you and who have the biggest impact on your life.

How long is the ring warming ceremony?

There’s no specific time allocated to a ring warming ceremony and it generally depends on how long the guests take to pass the rings around.

If you want to make sure that people don’t take too long, ask your officiant or designated person to mention that beforehand. 

You can also avoid a ceremony that drags on for too long by allowing guests to give their good wishes as they arrive.

Have your officiant or designated person place the rings at the door where the wedding ceremony will take place. Then they can explain the process to people as they come in. 

Top Tip: Don’t Have a Ring Warming Ceremony During Your Wedding If…

Although a ring warming ceremony is special, there’s also a time and a place for it.

If you’re hosting a wedding with hundreds of guests, the ring warming can take too much time away from your actual ceremony and end up feeling out of place or forced.

You’ll also probably want to avoid a ring warming ceremony if there are many small children around.

Not only will they get bored if the ceremony goes on for too long, but they might just take the rings by accident and lose them.

If a ring warming ceremony is something you really want to do, you might want to consider hosting a private, intimate event a couple of days before the wedding.

This way, you can invite your inner circle and have them share their well-wishes without the rush or panic.

The Perfect Ring Warming Needs a Perfect Ring

You can’t have a ring warming ceremony without unique wedding rings and at Alpine Rings, we’ve made finding the right one easier than ever.

Our small-batch, handmade wedding bands are the perfect addition to your special day.

Not only are all of our rings guaranteed to last a lifetime, but they’re also available in a variety of unique designs and materials.

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